Spectacularly sitting upon the southern coast of England lies an inlet of pristine water known as the Solent. Spanned by the Solent Maritime Trail, the drowned valley harbours a multitude of shipwrecks which ensue to the mystique of this remarkable passage. A few miles away lies one of the country's beloved holiday destinations - the Isle of Wight. Herein, lies the optimal conditions for Solentsailing.
The sheltered coast of the Solent provides near perfect conditions for sailing due its sheltered water, pleasurable tides and ever-changing system of beaches, channels and sandbars cobbled together by the ever-mighty English Channel. The array of navigable channels make the Solent a delightful spot for novice and practiced boaters alike. Aboard their respective vessels, adventurers find exceptional wildlife - a myriad of sea natural world and aquatic creatures of which divers may take pleasure in spotting. Moreover, the hospitality of the locals will ensue a veritably kind demeanour to the aquatic getaway.
The tranquil sailing waters of the Solent have been called upon for centuries, utilised as an industrial marine excitement transit corridor - a gateway for an array of 17th Century Navy vessels. The extraordinary stock of the region has been maintained with importance, with supplementary sites such as Hurst Castle, Ryde Pier and obsolete Castle Lighthouse exquisitely encapsulating the historical ornamentations which make the region unique.
For experienced and fervent sailing enthusiasts, the Solent awaiting with an freshen of jovial enthusiasm. Solentsailing has come to symbolise a uncommon passion, innate a hallmark of English marinating which attracts deeply-rooted enthusiasms from all across the globe. Regardless of the target - if it is for leisure, sport or fishing - the Solent provides a special ambience of sailing to those seeking adventure.
Solentsailing Nestled in the South of England is a stretch of water known as the Solent